Jennifer Stroman

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Pay close attention to the People who don’t clap when you win!

Pay close attention to the People who don’t clap when you win!  Do you have SILENT fans?

You know the people who would rather you fail!  The ones who are not really on your side.  They let the Green-Eyed Monster takes over & can’t bring themselves to support you.  Envy Sets in Because YOU had the guts to take the Plunge & Chase Your Dreams.

This is worst quality in someone and even if they LOVE you, if envious, they can’t help but get really mean! Let’s face it…people like for you to be successful, just not TOO successful – that’s when the applause stops.


DO you support your Friends and Family but when it is your turn, CRICKETS!

Maybe your Brand, your Job, your Passion doesn’t appeal to a lot of people, but gosh, don’t you think the people who love you should be supportive no matter what? (Except for a fundamental issue like you are a vegan and your brother owns a butcher shop).

You may very well find that the ones you expect to clap loud will not clap at all.  Your closest circle can be your biggest haters. Sad but true. It is a pivotal lesson when you gain your grit!

You are winning for yourself, not the accolades. You will learn to stop seeking approval, and your goal will become your own fulfilment.


Seriously?  You support Celebrities and Not Me?

People are more inclined to support a product that a celebrity releases.  It is sad to see Kylie release a new makeup line and people jumping at it.  Some will skip a car payment to get the latest and greatest yet won’t even look at what you are talking about!  Why won’t people support people they know?  They don’t even congratulate them when they are successful but would give anything to be near Kylie who doesn’t give 2 flips about them!


Find the People who Matter!

You’ve heard the saying, “You need to sift through the dirt to find the gold!” It relates to so many aspects of life… friendships, relationships etc.. and finding like minded people who support your every move rather than tear you down.

Your “tribe” will be there by your side, the rest aren’t as deserving of your precious time!  Remember that!  Hold onto the gold and let go of the poop!!  


And Dammit… Clap For Yourself!

Best to run your own race and show them that strong individual that you are.  It should fuel you to succeed!  Let it determine you even more.

Those not clapping are ALWAYS behind YOU! Focus on YOURSELF, Head Down, Eye on the Prize, Stay in YOUR Lane and Keep Running!!!

Those who will fall away weren’t meant to be there, and those who are attracted to your shining light will keep coming.  Keep them close!!


This blog inspired a video.  You can view it here: Pay close attention to the people who don’t clap when you win! Do you have SILENT fans?