When you unleash your inner sparkle, you light the world up!
Sparkle + Roots is a corporately sponsored team in the direct sales/network marketing industry. We are a social selling Indie Beauty Brand with a flagship item of luxe false lashes. We launched on October 18, 2017 and surpassed 1,000 Brand Ambassadors while becoming debt free within 6 weeks, hit 1 Million Dollars in revenue in LESS than 5 Months and 2 Million Dollars in revenue in LESS than 8 months! We were the first in the industry to provide luxe false lashes and again became the first in the industry to provide a pop on manicure.
Our tribe inspires women to unleash their inner sparkle while allowing their authentic light to shine. We motivate and empower each other in a positive, no drama zone environment. We are changing the way this industry operates by providing a social selling platform with world-class training and support. When you join Sparkle + Roots, immediately gain access to top notch training, tools, resources and support to grow and maintain a successful business. Whether you are looking for your tribe, want to help other women or would love to have the freedom to live life on your terms, Sparkle + Roots is your ticket. You will not only get to be a part of an amazing company, but you get to a part of something truly magical!
To learn more about our amazing tribe or this opportunity? Visit SparkleandRoots.com.
Jennifer Stroman is the creator and founder of Sparkle + Roots. She is direct to the CEO and has 21 years experience in this industry. Her mentorship is priceless. Go to the Sparkle+Roots Red Aspen Community group to learn more about locking arms with her or to join her tribe today.
Our company is making history in the Direct Sales/Network Marketing Industry with the First Ever LASH company and shifting the way this Industry operates. Our mission is to inspire women to stand up, stand out and stand together by uniting passion with purpose. The Sparkle + Roots tribe wants to make an impact in the lives of the women who join us, their businesses and their communities. We have such a strong culture of support, offers mentor based training, an incredible compensation plan and so much more. This opportunity has truly been a blessing and I cannot wait to welcome you as a member of my team.
If you are ready to take that leap of faith and change your family’s future, I am ready to help you live a life to your fullest potential emotionally, physically and financially. We have put together the most ELITE team of servant driven leaders to help you grow in this business. We offer you the support you need, the friendships you will cherish and most importantly, a life you can live on your terms with the freedoms you so desperately deserve.
Are you ready to let your faith be bigger than your fears? Lock arms with me and let’s create the life you’ve dreamt about and deserve.
Sparkle + Roots is a community who strives to encourage those who desire to upgrade their lives. By joining the Sparkle + Roots, you will have access to a leadership group with likeminded individuals who are sincerely committed to learning who you are and dedicated to educating you along your journey with Red Aspen as well as private access to our Sparkle + Roots training site which is packed with trainings and resources to help you be successful.
You will have access to our private community groups to ask questions plus we offer monthly continuing education courses, building block training including unlimited resources for learning and success as well as EXCLUSIVE training within the Sparkle+Roots community. We’d be love to have you join us!
READY? Click here to begin: JoinTheGlitterCEO.com
NEED MORE INFO? Contact Me or visit SparkleandRoots.com