Finding Magic with Intentional Living!

Sometimes I find myself waiting for an answer or some sort of sign that I’m doing the right thing or going in the right direction. The truth is intentional living is the reality of living the way we want to live. To aim for what we want. These intentions are not fear based but instead based on our passion and heart. So I ask myself, am I fearful of something? Am I true to myself? What do I have to gain?  

When you start looking within, you will tap into the magic. You find your vibe. You start to reflect. For me, last year I wasn’t working with my own power and self-worth but instead allowing all the voices to cloud my views. Not living intentionally with your own desires as the focus can destroy living an amazing life. I realized I allowed things to manifest in my head that were not truths. I had to stop and think. I had to change those thoughts, really tapping into self-development and refocus.

What I realized is if I can manifest the bad, I can also manifest the good. Words are powerful and so are your thoughts. Be very conscious about what you put out into the world. What you speak and what you think! Nothing good comes from bad intentions and your outcome is determined solely by you! Decide to be happy on your own terms and things will begin to fall into place. 


Living your life with purpose will not always be easy but what it will be is fulfilling! Be honest with yourself about what you want. Realize that sometimes we get stuck in a bad place because something much bigger & better is being prepared for us. Just remember that nothing is impossible! Highly improbable, maybe. Impossible? Never!

I will leave you with this quote to ponder. I want to end by asking, do you know YOUR power? Do you know YOUR worth? Do you understand YOUR purpose? If so, stop doubting your abilities. Intentional living will remind you of your purpose and desires. Now, tap into that and go make some magic happen!


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