Back to School Mom Confession
/Well, it’s that time of year again…the time to celebrate!!! I think I’ll have a glass of wine, not care about cleaning the house and just enjoy the peace and quiet!!
This time of year is crazy! Moms, you know what I am talking about!!! We have ransacked the stores, dug through the pile of college ruled notebook paper to find wide ruled, walked all over the store looking for Germ-X (why can’t they seem to put that NEAR the school supplies) and have bought enough pencils and pens to last a normal adult their entire life! Yep…it’s back to school time!
The night before school begins, the kids are anxious and mom is scrolling through her to do list. Mom is making sure the backpack is filled, lunches are made, everything is labeled, alarm is set and kids are in bed early! Schedules are implemented more too. When is soccer practice? When is the first football game? What time do you need to be at the school for practice? Are you getting a ride or I am picking you up? Then the first day of school comes and everyone is making sure they have EVERYTHING ready! We force our children to smile for first day of school photos…Lord knows if we got the real photos, we wouldn’t be posting them on social media. We get them to school early, get them settled in and then it’s time to go home! Yes, it’s definitely that time of year…the very BEST time of year!
See why I am celebrating? It’s time to get a little “Me” time and have a mini Momcation!! Oh, come on! You know you love this time of year too! Think about the homeschool moms! They are prepping for a new year, stressing out and they have no idea how great it feels to walk into a quiet house for the first time in months. Don’t get me wrong. I know what a blessing it is to homeschool your children and keep them out of public or private school, but today I am HAPPY my children leave me to go to school!
So, I chatted with many moms this week to see if I was the only one who felt that way! Here are just a few of their thoughts and confessions:
Is it wrong to send my child’s teacher a bottle of wine on the first day? I mean, she’s going to need it and isn’t that a sweet gift?
I can’t wait to get home, crank up the radio, sing with the broom and dance through the house as I clean!
Clean? I am taking a hot bubble bath and a long nap!
I spent so much money on school clothes for them to come home and tell me their friends had better. Why do we do this again?
I considered homeschooling because I sure love having my children home during the summer, but then I remember how it feels in August when they go back to school and changed my mind!
I think I need to make it a tradition to get together with all my mom friends and have a drink. It’s just another reason to celebrate together, right?
My husband leaving for work was nice, but having everyone gone means I can actually finish a book!
I can’t wait to diffuse some oils and just chill!
I truly miss my kids the first day of school, then I think about the fighting and screaming the past summer and I GET OVER IT!
We all know education is important and I am not knocking it, but ladies…chill out, relax, take a bubble bath, enjoy a glass of wine, read a book, catch up on your Netflix shows & get refreshed! Today is a beautiful day and we have a reason to celebrate. Listen….do you hear that? It’s called PEACE & QUIET!! Just think…by the end of the week it won’t be as quiet and you’ll wish you had savored today! Now I am off to find some wine…