Jennifer Stroman

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DEFEATING OVERWHELM: You've had the POWER all along!

Overwhelm: The more you get done, the more there is to do . . .

Sound (or feel) familiar??

I think a lot of us probably start each day with a to-do list a mile long, and, as we go through the day, what do we do? WE ADD TO IT!

So many people live this way every. single. day.

So many people live in constant overwhelm and stress not even realizing that life DOESN’T have to be this way!

Continuously living in a state of overwhelm and stress can really do a lot of permanent damage to the body over time. According to the Huffington Post article How Being In A Constant State Of Stress Affects The Body, these are :

  • Muscle tension

  • Headaches, neck aches

  • High blood pressure

  • Increased heart rate

  • Failure to concentrate

  • Fatigue

  • Stomach problems

  • Trouble sleeping

I’d bet you’ve experienced some (or all) of those symptoms at one stressful time or another. I know I have! But you may also be experiencing them so often, that you don’t even notice them anymore — they just become part of your norm!

Overwhelmed with your day-to-day? Here’s the good news!

You have the power to choose a different, calmer, happier, yet productive way of life!

I mean, it’s not like flipping a switch . . . it will take WORK. But, trust me when I say, IT WILL BE WORTH IT!

Here are my 3 BIG TIPS for starting to tame the feeling overwhelm

  1. Reduce Clutter: Where do you spend most of your time when you are at home? Where do you spend most of your time when you are at work? Make those spaces your sanctuary — where you can walk in and feel a sense of calm and of being in control. I like to use the Marie Kondo Method when I clean out & organize my space.

    • Commit yourself to tidying up.

    • Imagine your ideal space.

    • Finish discarding first. Before getting rid of items, sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose. (Seriously, DO IT!!)

    • Tidy by category, not location.

    • Follow the right order.

    • Ask yourself it it sparks joy. (Just trust me on this!! PLEASE)

  2. Get into Gratitude: How does your body feel as stress and overwhelm start to take over? Maybe you feel one or more of the symptoms we addressed earlier. TAKE NOTICE, and when you start to get that feeling, PAUSE! You don’t have to stop what you’re doing, but you do have to stop your brain. Take three slow, deep breaths, and then think of five things that bring you joy. Five things that you are thankful for in that moment. Be specific, and be detailed. The more you can FEEL the gratitude, the more quickly you can battle back from overwhelm. Do this anytime, anywhere, as needed throughout your day.

  3. If You Can’t Do It With a Joyful Heart, Walk Away: I already know what you’re thinking, and I know I might catch some flack over this one. But remember, these are MY tips, so I get to tell it like I see it. You’re probably thinking, but Jennifer, I can’t just walk away! And I’m here to tell you YES, YOU CAN!! Those dishes in the sink, the ones that make you curse under your breath the whole time you’re washing them because you can’t believe how inconsiderate everyone in your house is . . . yeah, they’ll still be there. That pile of papers your boss just tossed on your desk and asked you to file as you were just getting ready to go to lunch . . . promise you, it’ll still be there. And that committee that they asked you serve on that is “just one more thing that you’ll have to do” . . . You guessed it! It’ll still happen without you. Rather than let the overwhelm take over, give yourself a break, GET INTO GRATITUDE like I suggested above, and come back to your task with a fresh perspective. If your perspective doesn’t shift, then don’t complete the task. Instead, get real honest . . . with your family, with your boss, or with the committee leader. Communicate your feelings and ask for help!

Remember, you are worthy of a blessed life, not a stressed life

Yes, that’s right. W O R T H Y ! So keep that in mind while you’re doing the hard work. I told you, it wasn’t necessarily an easy process, but it is sooo worth it in the end.