Does Financial Freedom Even Exist?
/What do you think of when you hear the words Financial Freedom?
Fear. Uncertainty. Stress. Worry. Concern. These are all feeling I’ve been overwhelmed with over the past few months. Maybe you have too?
After the pandemic hit last year, millions of people lost their jobs and so many still don’t have a job. To make matters worse, I read a statistic that said only 4 out of 10 Americans can cover a $1,000 emergency with their savings and over 1/3 of Millenials don’t have a dime in their savings.
Day-to-day financial security seems impossible, and so does even the notion of financial FREEDOM.
Like... WHAAAAT?!
That’s the scary financial reality that so many live in every day, and it’s not just because of the pandemic. For many, they just don’t feel they have any options when it comes to their income.
Working just to survive erodes hope over time, and many just stop dreaming or believing that THEY could ever achieve financial freedom.
I’ve been there.
When I started exploring other options for making extra money, my business was just for fun. Something that was just for me. But somewhere along the way, I realized I could make a CAREER of it. I could provide for my family with my “little side business”, and I set a goal to retire my husband!
With his sweet oil field income, it was a BIG ask!
Last year when the world was crashing around us, I hit my goal of MATCHING his income! Within months, I DOUBLED his income!! I was so excited about the strides I’d made in my business and that I COULD actually provide something huge for my family; not only could I provide financial security but financial FREEDOM!
I don’t share this to brag but to explain why I am feeling the way I am today... Blessed. Nervous. Relieved.
G R A T E F U L .
I opened my email yesterday and it got real y’all!! This is the FIRST month I am the sole provider for our family and as I type this it becomes so real for me!
I hit my goal! And you know what? We are going to be ok!!! Thank you, Red Aspen for changing my life!!
This thing we got going on over here... it’s sooo special and it’s literally CHANGING LIVES!!
Are you ready to change yours? Or at least open to learning more?
Let me show YOU this world of possibilities . . . this world of HOPE for your financial freedom!