The Power of Habit: Turning Goals into Reality

The Power of Habit: Turning Goals into Reality

All of us have dreams, goals, and aspirations that we all want to fulfill at some point. This is because we all are looking to squeeze more out of life — maybe by earning more money, being healthier, having more free time, or looking our best. Most of us take a vow every January to finally commit to these goals and accomplish the things we’ve always wanted… but how many of us actually complete those goals?

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Money-Saving Hacks for the Modern Woman

Money-Saving Hacks for the Modern Woman

Being a modern woman means knowing how to manage your money like a boss. There’s no denying it — trying to pay off important house bills, manage children’s expenses, and also make time for your important personal activities (c’mon, not all of us want to give up doing our nails or Starbucks). Trying to juggle all of that is most certainly hectic, so what are the tips and tricks to manage our money better?

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Why Social Media is So Important for Building your Business

Why Social Media is So Important for Building your Business

The past 15 years have seen a digital revolution. This radical transformation has caused digital devices and platforms to permeate pretty much every aspect of our daily life, from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we fall asleep. It’s the social media sites you scroll through non-stop, the emails that never stop coming in, and the way you connect with friends or strangers from across the globe that has truly disrupted society. 

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Learning to Grow From Our Mistakes

Learning to Grow From Our Mistakes

No matter where you are in the world, at some point in time, you’ve made a mistake. Whether it was something small like sleeping through your alarm or forgetting someone’s name or something much bigger like missing a deadline or hurting someone, we’ve all been there. Making mistakes is a universal inevitability of life; we are all bound to make them and likely struggle. But the most important thing is to learn how to forgive yourself, repent, and move on. 

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6 Habits of Highly Productive People

6 Habits of Highly Productive People

Do you ever wonder how you can be more productive? Well I sure do, because life can get busy and I always seem to be adding things to my workload without any thought of slowing down. While I have brought this on myself (and I do love being busy), there are many solutions to making your time more efficient to get more things done, prioritize more effectively, and focus on what’s important to reach your end goals.

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Success is not Final & Failure is not Fatal

Success is not Final & Failure is not Fatal

There was a time where I was spammy and thought advertising my company and products was how this worked. I looked at everyone as a sale and not someone I could impact. I took offense to the fact that my family and friends didn’t “support” me. I compared myself with everyone and beat myself down because I wasn’t as “good” as they were. I had a scarcity mindset. Until I realized one important thing…

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